May | Teen Ink


October 6, 2023
By Anonymous

He met her in May,

She smelled of flowers,

It gave his heart superpowers, 

On a warm spring day,

Her smile made his heart flutter,

He did his hair well,

And spoke to her swell,

He removed his house of clutter,

He beamed with pride,

Her red dress swished,

As he made a wish,

Upon her arrival,

Oh, how he missed,

Her dress as it swished

The author's comments:

This was my first attempt at a sonnet, and in all honesty, I'm submitting this for extra credit to help my grade stay up in English. However I enjoy the spring feeling with the words may, and her dress. The part people may find confusing is the piece where he talks to her and invites her for company in the middle. 

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