Broken Shield | Teen Ink

Broken Shield

February 29, 2024
By Emeeloo123 BRONZE, West Valley, Utah
Emeeloo123 BRONZE, West Valley, Utah
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Even Roses have Their Thorns. <3

Oh you sweet and innocent child

With your head filled with fantasies

Free to be loud, crazy, and wild

Unworried about the worlds scary strategies

They haven’t torn you apart yet

Not afraid of these scary occurrences

You’re still there in your safety net

Unaware of the traumas that everyone discusses

All of the happenings shown on the news

The shootings, murders, and kidnappings

Society is something that’s quite like a noose

All tied up with deceiving gift wrapping

I hope that you may stay this way

And that you can be shielded for one more day

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