Two Celestial’s Reflections | Teen Ink

Two Celestial’s Reflections

May 9, 2024
By Anonymous

My celestial gleaming moon please tell me

How it’s possible to feel this way too

The same love you hold on from me, from he?

His beautiful smile looks like mine to you,

His smile like beam of sunlight painting soft 

Skies with pretty hues while he admires my

Still nature, like i praise your silent waft

You hide behind hazy clouds in the sky

His gaze a gentle breeze like your hidden 

Beauty, behind the hazy heaven skies

My heart seizes two essences, forbidden

His voice, like a melody that ne’er dies

His love’s a sunrise yours a fading glow

My heart betrays you, to his love I flow 

The author's comments:

I made this poem for my first love. I loved the moon more than anything before I meant him, but once I fell in love that changed. This piece reflects the love I had for him.

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