Dawn & Dreams | Teen Ink

Dawn & Dreams

May 27, 2024
By janehong_21 BRONZE, Barcelona, Other
janehong_21 BRONZE, Barcelona, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be the woman you would look up to.

Dawn seeks us until we retreat

Yet we persist in chasing our dreams

Evading life’s cruel constant defeat

Held back by reality’s relentless streams


Far from home, lost in yearning dreams

Bound by what we could become

Close to our desires, yet so far away

Blessings are ephemeral, not meant to stay


Dawn tears our pictures apart

Without hesitation destroying our heart

Yet with naive hopes, we started a new

Painting our visions, in shades of truth

The author's comments:

This poem is about the fight between reality and our dreams. 

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