The Hidden Beauty | Teen Ink

The Hidden Beauty

May 31, 2024
By Gracereich6 BRONZE, New Windsor, New York
Gracereich6 BRONZE, New Windsor, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In nature's land of such wondrous grace

a tapestry of beauty is revealed,

where beauty blooms in every sacred space

and bright flowers are captured in the fields.

Nature's beauty, how it does inspire

the sparkling dewdrops on the petals edge

with mountains tall and rivers flowing dire

and birds that sing from the soaring tree hedge.

The gentle breeze that whispers threw the leaves

where wonders are left completely unseen

caressing leaves like soft and soothing seas

and where there are non-existence phone screens.

Nature's beauty is a gift to us all

cherish and protect it by standing tall.

The author's comments:

This piece was created to explain the beauty of nature and how we don't appreciate the small things in life as much since there is so much technology destroying the beauty around us.

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