The gift of Beauty Within. | Teen Ink

The gift of Beauty Within.

February 23, 2010
By Raybie. BRONZE, Johnsburg, Illinois
Raybie. BRONZE, Johnsburg, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Life's not a garden so don't be a ho."

For a few hours we have been sitting in this same room.
School is even over.
Moving away from his care seems like true doom.
Our conversing seems like finding a four-leaf clover.

He talks like everything about his exterior is a lie.
He isn’t cruel like the people around him.
His true personality shines, something I can not deny.
So many topics, like how he can swim.

We haven’t talked about anything too heavy.
Keeping the talk light seems right.
Like we are kittens, scared and slow to cause chivvy.
Taking our connection to a new height.

I like how he holds me.
When he cares like this it helps me Just Be.

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This article has 2 comments.

Raybie. BRONZE said...
on Mar. 14 2010 at 11:22 am
Raybie. BRONZE, Johnsburg, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Life's not a garden so don't be a ho."

Thanks, I you're poems are good too.

Milo! said...
on Mar. 14 2010 at 11:04 am
I really love this. I really like how everyone can relate to this. I hope you keep writing, because this is great. You should check out some of my stuff. I think you would like it.