.Lost | Teen Ink


May 10, 2010
By growwwl BRONZE, Hollis Hills, New York
growwwl BRONZE, Hollis Hills, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She locked her tears in a drawer
hidden out of sight, but not lost forever.
Her memories were preserved in ink
but she vowed to think of them nevermore.

He buried his recollections in the back
of his mind, feigning forgetting.
He was a tough man, with a spine
too strong for retention of recollections.

But one day when they meet again (for surely fate will intervene),
the longing in her eyes will say all she cannot say
while he twiddles his thumbs and tries to avoid
her gaze; because things that are meant to be refuse to fade to a whisper.

Each will believe they are alone
in a futile attempt to kill the desire to be together.

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