Darkness | Teen Ink


March 29, 2011
By rinkydink15 PLATINUM, Mandeville, Louisiana
rinkydink15 PLATINUM, Mandeville, Louisiana
24 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Love is when even a passing glance sends a million little butterflies through your heart, and you can't stop thinking about him.

You were always there, yet I n’vr saw you.
Then we met; I fell in love at first sight.
You noticed, and stopped talking to me too.
You ignored me and I cried every night.
I loved you and missed you; you never cared.
Then you talked to me, like we were best friends.
From there I could tell, our love was undeclared.
I loved it and all the time we would spend.
Then you left me alone, and in the dark.
I was scared and could barely take a breath.
You scarred me fore’vr, and left a huge mark.
I was hurt; my broken heart felt like death.
It is strange how you would never love me,
Yet forever I will always love you.

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