Alzeheimer's | Teen Ink


November 19, 2012
By 25sinnh BRONZE, Berne, Indiana
25sinnh BRONZE, Berne, Indiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Glass slivers laying on the floor
A fragment of memory is all that remains
Like a rose with the petals tore
The only things remaining sticking on like stains
Can’t seem to recall the things of your past
Laughing and good times give way to reaching
When remembering your family is far from a blast
It’s got a deep hold and your memory is slipping
Your family seems far, you don’t know names or faces
The simplest tasks seem to take all your might
You feel like you walk around stumbling on your laces.
All the good things seem to be lost in your night.
Sometime when the darkness lifts and you catch some glimpses
You’ll remember not all your catches were misses.

The author's comments:
My grandpa who died a few christmases ago. He was a great part of my life. He had Alzeheimer's. I wrote this poem for Global Studies and my teacher suggested I create an account and publish this piece.

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