Perfect Match | Teen Ink

Perfect Match

November 19, 2012
By 25sinnh BRONZE, Berne, Indiana
25sinnh BRONZE, Berne, Indiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

From our late night talks to our silly little fights
He knows I don’t wanna be with anyone else
I almost lost him one stupid night
With him I can act like myself

He lets me know that he needs me
His friends all say i’m clingy, but he says it’s fine
Not ashamed of what his friends see
His silly little laugh and smile, make me glad he is mine

When he teases me I just laugh, it doesn’t matter
Afraid of losing him, I pull him close, and he knows
I talk a lot, but he never tells me to stop my chatter
I’m glad he is the one I chose.

Of all the fishes in the sea, he’s my favorite catch
I’m so glad he is my “perfect match”

The author's comments:
My boyfriend always jokes around about being my "perfect match." The other day in english class we had to write poems and I came up with this one. I sent it to him, he loved it.

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