Personal Moon | Teen Ink

Personal Moon

November 19, 2012
By Italychic BRONZE, Paris, Ohio
Italychic BRONZE, Paris, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The New Moon is content to play hide and seek,
Appearing only as a dark hole in a dark star-speckled sky
I'm reminded of a child hiding behind her mother’s skirts
Trying to blend into the background even though her presence is noted
This moon refuses to grace the world with her glorious face
Why can’t I hide as deftly as the moon does?
The New Moon is the reigning champion of hide and seek

The Crescent Moon loves to tease us doting mortals
She is a small playful smile giving just a glimpse
In my mind stirs a memory of a coy lover
Bestowing a irresistible taste of her complete beauty
She arrives in the sky whilst the sun still descends
I stand in awe as they battle for the heavens
And the Crescent Moon wins

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