The Struggle | Teen Ink

The Struggle

January 8, 2013
By WallyWalrus BRONZE, Morrisville, North Carolina
WallyWalrus BRONZE, Morrisville, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tis said that perfection is impossible

But in you, I see the wondr’ss beauty.

So,I can easily say that Tis possible

That a girl would be so fantastic, really

The moments that we share, so full of love,

relaxing in the night, stars, oh so bright.

I say her beauty reminds me of doves,

though, she always takes me to be so light

She does not see the beauty of herself

Her eyes reflect not her wondrous looks

But looks are not all that are on the shelf

She is also pretty good with a book

My love for her equals the mass of the sun

I can't wait to see her today, Oh so Fun!

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