Midnight Snack | Teen Ink

Midnight Snack

March 11, 2013
By carcar SILVER, Mundelein, Illinois
carcar SILVER, Mundelein, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments

There once was a man named Bob
He lived in a big blue house
He was eating corn on the cob
When he spotted a little gray mouse

The mouse was searching for some food
When he suddenly looked at the man
“May I have some of that corn, too?
I’ve only had corn from a can.”

The man jumped up in fright
As the mouse continued to speak
“Oh, sir, are you all right?”
He felt his legs grow weak

“This always happens” cried the mouse.
“No one believes I can talk.
I wander from house to house,
Hoping I don’t cause shock.”

“It’s okay” said the man named Bob.
“Here, have some corn on the cob.”

“You’re not afraid that I can speak?”
“I don’t care; you’d make a tasty treat.”

The author's comments:
Inspired by Shakespeare.

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