moving on | Teen Ink

moving on

October 8, 2013
By SundayB BRONZE, Oakpark, Michigan
SundayB BRONZE, Oakpark, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:

I see people laughing,

And joking all around,

But on my face there is no smile,

Instead there is a frown,

I never laugh any more,

Instead I cry,

And I never stop to ask myself, "why?"

I heard we live and die,

By the choices we make,

And there's only so much,

A person can take,

So just remember to life goes on,

And it hurts when someone leaves and is gone.

So always remember keep your head up,

Because another door is opened every time one is shut.

The author's comments:
im slacking and this peom helps me"move on".

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