The Forest | Teen Ink

The Forest

January 22, 2014
By Kaitlyn Whitefoot SILVER, Oakland Township, Michigan
Kaitlyn Whitefoot SILVER, Oakland Township, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The forest shines, immersed in bright sunlight
while flowers bloom away and kiss the sky.
The rain is pouring down; the birds take flight
in the humid air. The summer cannot lie.

The leaves are falling down, around the trunks
while forest creatures roam the woodland floor.
The treetops begin to sway like peaceful monks
on top of ancient temples, the rabbits explore.

The snow has fallen down the path of air
while water turns to crystal in frosty bliss.
The wind will start to whirl as snow will share
as little baby deer trek ground with beautiful kisses.

The seasons greet with loving glee.
The seasons all together fit to a tea.

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