Untitled | Teen Ink


February 26, 2014
By Anonymous

Raging typhoon wings crack at my core's flame,
Tears splash as rain, drenching my mind in gloom.
Labyrinthine pathways snake without tame,
Blissful memories trapped with waiting doom.

Pain, sorrow, and woe, like the fangs of age,
Engulf and rust my mind's steel foundation.
Creativity's ink melts from its page,
Letters, words, lost, without incarnation.

As inky darkness envelops my mind,
Milky-white light breaks upon my mind's shore.
Soaring, is a girl unlike any kind,
My bonds break, finding her, I'm trapped no more.

Her shining, chatoyant eyes, like a swan,
Fly us through gem skies to a waking dawn.

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