Faith | Teen Ink


March 4, 2014
By TylerWilliams BRONZE, Perrysburg, Ohio
TylerWilliams BRONZE, Perrysburg, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Nahariyya is where this tale shall start
A place of greed, where people don’t get the important thing
Where the wrong thing is worshipped, and money is the king
My name is Hezekiah, and I’m a farmer
My name is Melchiah, that from my father
This is the tale that sets me apart

Before we begin, I wish to say
Who I am and how I act
I’ve told you a little, that is a fact
I am about 220, yes I know big
I am about 220, which means not a twig
Our travel is way out of the way

Brown hair green eyes
Wife named Bathsuda, 6 years strong
I have the most muscle on one man in time long
The wife is packed, and she is ready to go
The wife is packed, so we all must go
This trip is long, bound to be some surprise

We saddle up our mule, and we leave our farm
Full of browns and yellows of a once beautiful field, now just of decaying plant
When the drought came it made us pant
This is why we travel to Nazareth, where water is bountiful
This is why we travel to Nazareth, hopefully it is delightful
Now here we go on our steed, hand in hand arm in arm

As we travel on the roads of dirt
I took out my bible, and read John’s book
The misses glances over with a look
She says, “Why do you bother worshipping the unseen?”
She says, “Worry about us, your my king, me your queen”
Hezekiah continues to read, Bathsuda a little hurt

Closer and closer to this new city they are
Gradually, yellows get greener, life re-springing
But they must hault this night, the three need resting
Blackness falls, dusk to dark, pitch silent
Blackness falls, we lie there worried in our tent
For on the streets in a cloak of black who knows what a man may dare

Stars showing, bugs chirping, critters crawling
And on this night one roams more freer than the usual
Slime, fangs, dark green scales enters our tent, what a visual
This animal, stares me down and gets taller
This animal, taunts me like no other
What is He doing here this is quite bewildering

What could it want, it remains so still
It’s end rolled, tongue sticks out
Eyes staring into my very being, This I have no doubt
Voices in the mind, telling me of awful deed
Voices in the mind, telling me to make others bleed
Like a dart it disappears, it had it’s fill

My head hurt with an unimaginable agony
I remain silent as to not disturb my wife
I lay in the fetal position not wanting life
“Help me Lord”, I shout in my noggin
“Help me Lord”, is thy grave dug in
The ground, in a flash of light the pain was gone

How is this possible, my head is relieved
I am actually happy now, more than before
All there is, is joy down to my core
Voices in the mind, telling me to continue on
Voices in the mid, telling me to advance at dawn
I lay back down, in the sweat I have spilled from before, happy I have believed

Sun peaks out of the ground, which means the journey continues to unravel
Wife on the mule, once more, I am left to walk
Miles upon miles, we hardly talk
So read from the book, another book I do
So read from the book, the story of Matthew
I read until shadows blocked my sight, the mountain, on the other side water, no more travel

We climb the mountain too steep for our steed, steadily up we go up as to not trip
The mountain is so pretty the farther you go
Purple looking with white topping snow
And to the left a path, as for walking on safely
And to the left a path, this will help us significantly
Now were on our path walking step by step

Along the way a man with a broken leg and blood on his face, was on the ground
I raced over too help the crippled old man, but when I got closer he disappeared in green flame
Confused and scared I backed up slowly, and voices started shouting my name
Hezekiah Hezekiah your time is now, you had better pray
Hezekiah Hezekiah death is coming your way
The man is back but fully healed, he stares at me without sound

I stare back, yelling the Word
He starts chanting awful phrases and suddenly a Hellish demon did appear
The ugly monstrosity starts charging at me, fire in the eyes, chains all over, holding a spear
I continue to chant, showing no fear at all
I continue to chant, and the monster did fall
Somehow my praying was like a ward

The demons were gone, but the person still down the road
The person is moving so fast, yet his feet do not move
He now had a sword and charged at not me but my wife, I yelled, “Do not stand still my love”
Half way to her, she is slower
Half way to her, I throw my body in front of her
He thrusts the sword but the pain I feel erodes

I have been hit that there is no doubt
But my wounds heal almost instantly
A small dagger appears in my hand, shining ever so heavenly
I hit this man in the rib with the dagger, and he is vanquished
I hit this man in the rib with the dagger, and the sound leaves me astonished
My wife and I all ok and we continue our route

The city of Nazareth, is in our sight
It is a wonderful place with green fields of grass
The city looks happy and what do I do, go to mass
For the reason I am here today is not because of skill or wit
For the reason I am here today is because of faith and that is it
And this is how I am set apart, by knowing and doing what is right

The author's comments:
I hope people remember their Lord

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