A Jealous Mind That Loves | Teen Ink

A Jealous Mind That Loves

March 18, 2014
By Bella17 BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
Bella17 BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A Jealous Mind That Loves

A cacophony of noises surround me.
The encasing chaos tries to destroy.
Each belt of hatred, flash of jealousy,
Are nothing but craven, childish toys.

Aloof emotions widen the chasm,
We yell at each other across its depths.
This stress created makes my thoughts spasm,
To fix us I must walk rickety steps.

Hot stings of his actions- O, Mind! Please stop-
Leave lesions on my soul, can it be true?
Or is it this mind of mine I must mop?
Was it I who became a dreadful shrew?

How could I torque our honest love this way?
I’m some sick fool to put our love at bay.

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