A Sad Story of Desert Cannibalism | Teen Ink

A Sad Story of Desert Cannibalism

April 2, 2014
By Nisha Patel BRONZE, Rochester Hills, Michigan
Nisha Patel BRONZE, Rochester Hills, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You thought yourself alone in this desert
Controlled by hunger and insanity
Until you found me, flesh and bone overt.
And you, you abandoned your humanity
By ripping me apart, blood dripping from
Your mouth while my spirit melted into sand
Now I watch you wander about and hum
In gloom; this crime leaves you in no man’s land
Where He fixes fates in this wretched place.
Alas! You collapse as He hears my plea
And receive Death’s invite in tattered lace.
As you sink in sand and soak in red sea, I cannot forgive you for your sin,
But looking back, I would first eat the skin.

The author's comments:
The desert setting came to my mind and I thought about people searching for water in a desert. This inspired me to explore the effects of hunger on an individual in the desert who could not control it anymore.

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