True Love | Teen Ink

True Love

April 20, 2014
By Retal BRONZE, Newton, Massachusetts
Retal BRONZE, Newton, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

True love conceals itself in the shadows,
Beckons to the youthful bold searching; yet
Prancing out of sight, but not mind, through snow,
Leaving broken hearts of painful regret.
True love flourishes over the long years,
Thriving in stormy weather, surviving cold,
Some seek with desperation, hiding fears,
For those least expecting flowers unfold.
Signaling the upcoming sunlit spring,
Turning careful caution into courage,
Lovebirds change their tune to new songs to sing,
Shared understanding by subtle nudges.
True love, rare to find, harder to hold on,
Yet for those sharing it, it’s a new dawn.

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