Heaven | Teen Ink


May 8, 2014
By Melting BRONZE, Ocklawaha, Florida
Melting BRONZE, Ocklawaha, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end."

Oh, my dear Juliet, we finally meet,
For real this time, no strife is in our way,
We conquered hate and now our love is sweet,
No obstacles still keeping it at bay.
I believe that we did what was needed,
But maybe what was needed was not right,
In making you mine, I have succeeded,
But only by our deaths on this cool night.
Now my dear angel, go and spread your wings,
Fly with me and sing songs of heaven’s life,
If spring you love, let there be many springs,
If me you love, stay with me, my dear wife.
We’ve left our world behind for what is ours,
And that, my love, is written in the stars.

The author's comments:
I wrote this for my english class. The assignment was "Write a sonnet that Romeo creates for Juliet in heaven"

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