Different | Teen Ink


May 2, 2014
By brebiz SILVER, Covington, Louisiana
brebiz SILVER, Covington, Louisiana
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Innocent, I must be in this old place
Blinded, by the lights from which I can see
Knowing, that I will end at a new base
Now, I must convert to an escapee

Trapped, by this small boarded society,
For they simplify me, and dictate me.
However, I only find a feeling of piety.
Knowing that we could never agree.

My future is still unknown, but for now
I will get by...Look for a common ground,
Search for beauty in others, and to vow
never letting others push me around.

I am different, and different is so rare
This is me, and is something to declare.

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