Fallout | Teen Ink


May 29, 2014
By Nolan Maxwell BRONZE, Winona, Minnesota
Nolan Maxwell BRONZE, Winona, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Always afraid of what a fight could do

Always falling apart at every seam

Though it’s foolish to think lowly of you

I can’t find a truth that I can believe

Cigarette smoke and a half empty beer

Filtered, patchy light from Venetian blinds

A family war is all that I can hear

And shattered glass is all that I can find

Dark shadows become a source of refuge

Void promises become rhythms to me

Don’t know if I can handle your deluge

But I stay in case I can find some peace

How I want to answer when you call out

But I know I can’t handle the fallout

The author's comments:
This is my first sonnet I've ever written, and it is written about my family issues. And it got second place in a local poetry contest, so it hold a very special spot in my heart.

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