Longing to Stay | Teen Ink

Longing to Stay

November 11, 2014
By OhLookItsMe BRONZE, Thornwood, New York
OhLookItsMe BRONZE, Thornwood, New York
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

When touched by the fronts of our lips
a mere flower we are mistaking
for we can not let it out of our grips
because then we start to get the feeling of aching

It enters our mouths and blossoms into our minds
but it never finds a way out so it never exits
for it strengthens our binds
with a thousand of our old ethics

We are full and we are satisfied
but at the same time want more than what we have
because of our seemingly enlarged appetite
find ways to make things smaller by dividing everything in halves

I have a sensation of being lost
but I have a dream that I am found
I feel like I am being tossed
but I always find a way to rebound

I need more petals and more food
this feeling inside me completes me as a whole
and it is for my greater good
because my life is now nothing but a soul

The author's comments:

The scene in "The Oddessy" about the lotus eaters inspired me to write this poem. I hope people understand that temptation can be masked in many forms and that appearnces can be decieving to the eye.

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on May. 6 2015 at 5:27 pm
AnnaSharudenko BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
3 articles 0 photos 24 comments

Favorite Quote:
Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality. -Edgar Allan Poe

Amazingly written. I felt every single word you mentioned in this gorgeous writing piece.