Razorback Sonnet | Teen Ink

Razorback Sonnet

November 21, 2014
By Alecw BRONZE, Jonesboro, Arkansas
Alecw BRONZE, Jonesboro, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Field is sitting on such a huge hill
Stadiums there are the best in the game
The best town in the state is Fayetteville
that is why it has such a awesome name.
We are located in the SEC
We are the Home of the famous red pig
It’s the best conference in the country
we’ve had the best coaches running our gig.
Where we promise we will not ever yield
Year after year we draft a solid team
We always fight for our right on the field
Our coaching staff all have big dreams
This is where the Razorbacks play to win
Our fans are always happy and full of grin

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