Open & Broken | Teen Ink

Open & Broken

January 5, 2015
By Cece_Bear BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
Cece_Bear BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Close your eyes,

What do you see?
A beautiful girl,
or a dark horror story.
Filling her veins faster than the sea,
Only vodka could set her free.

Unattainable perfection,
Society’s destruction.

Who is she really?
You may never know.
As who she is, is hidden
Deep beneath the snow.
Keeping her soul unbroken,
And her personality behind lock and key,
A journal contains all her secrets,
I bet you’re dying to see.

The author's comments:

Heart break from my current lover has encouraged me to write this. I guess you could call me Taylor Swift Haha ! Also, Who she is, is hidden. Deep beneathe the snow because her heart is stone cold.

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