Winning is a feeling you never lose | Teen Ink

Winning is a feeling you never lose

February 25, 2015
By Anonymous

If you’ve won, you’ve lost and if you’ve lost, you’ve won.

The only way to win is to lose, and if you lose you want to win.

To start is to never finish, it feeds onto you like fish to food,

Starting is only the beginning of the end; the end only begins the new start

To have the desire to travel to the Bermuda triangle, but can’t find a way to escape.

To take the risk, to take the chance, to hope,

Instinct will breathe light, a resort to come at last.

You win and fear to lose,

You lose and fear to win,

Win or lose, lose or win, Win or lose, lose or Win.

Love to gamble money? Why don’t you just give it away for free?

Life is a gamble, life is never a guarantee,

Defeat is victory!

If you’ve won, you’ve lost and if you’ve lost, you’ve won.

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