Vijay's Adventure | Teen Ink

Vijay's Adventure

March 17, 2015
By Anonymous

Oh sitting in his van, he starts to dance,
He wears Bermuda shorts in 2 degrees.
Within hours, his minivan will reach France.
In a lab, he will unfold his disease.
One day a boy tried to get in his car.
Before he had put his other foot in,
The man starts driving as fast as a star.
He blasts Punjabi MC with a grin.
He mows his lawn in his flip-flops all day
With not one worry at all in the world.
He shovels all the snow off his driveway
And began to watch his son as he twirled.
He would say that he had a heart of stone.
Next this man named Vijay would claim his throne.

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Guru said...
on Mar. 29 2015 at 9:56 am
Nice Prits.. really good

Mike said...
on Mar. 29 2015 at 8:56 am
Hi prits
Very nice . Did not know you had his skill