As Ladies | Teen Ink

As Ladies

May 13, 2015
By Ginatj BRONZE, Green Bay, Wisconsin
Ginatj BRONZE, Green Bay, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't become a stereotype

As Ladies we think we're,

not as worthy.

For the things men have, like,

money and big trophies.


We wash the dishes,

clean the home. Pick 

up your laundry and 

clean your children's toes.


My mother once asked me,

and Beyonce did to...

Who rules the world?

And I replied, girls.


See the point is, is that

we can do it all. We 

can run, jump and play



You don't have to have

hair all over your face

to simply get praise,

for winning a race.


We can fly planes, like Emilia Airheart,

we can dribble a ball like Brittney Garner,

or swim as fast as Micheal Phillips,

and even wear jean overalls.


So you see. 

We can do a lot. 

We just have to put 

it into our hearts.


Believe in yourselfie and believe in others. 

In result of this, we'll impress our mothers.

But mostly, show our brothers, fathers, and guys

down the street...that

we are who we want and can be!

The author's comments:

This piece was not really inspired. I think I was just writing one day and this is what happened. I'm not really a "topic" poet. I just happen to write, and then there is a rythmn to it, which makes it a bit "poet-y". And I like it, and I enjoy doing it very much. So, OI hope you like!!!

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