Restless Nights | Teen Ink

Restless Nights

December 5, 2015
By Writer_123 BRONZE, New York, New York
Writer_123 BRONZE, New York, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I toss and turn at night, and cannot sleep,

I wait till night so I can get some rest,

I do my best to try and count some sheep,

It’s like I’m on a neverending quest,


I prepare a cup of chamomile tea,

And think about why I can’t get to sleep,

I think about the calmness of the sea,

To try and get my mind out of the deep,


Out the deep depths of my wonders and thoughts,

As they grab me, and try to hold me down,

But they cannot see that I can’t be bought,

I fight them until it is a ghost town,


Until I no longer have debts to pay,

I can now shut my eyes and drift away.

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