Chipotle | Teen Ink


February 8, 2016
By pauslander21 BRONZE, Wayne, Pennsylvania
pauslander21 BRONZE, Wayne, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Shall I compare Chipotle to heaven

I know you will not give me E-Colis
Makes me feel like my engine is revvin'
A place to just escape from the worlds bullies
So warm, salty, and cool to my taste
True Mexican food, haters are jelly
It will never, ever be waste
And the tasty flavor fills my belly
One taste and you are already in love
The goodness of the delicious toppings
This wonderful feeling makes me want to hove-
r above the ground with scents of toppings
But oh my!The time has gotten away
It is already time for Chipotle

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