Graduation | Teen Ink


March 21, 2016
By EmilydelValle BRONZE, Miami, Florida
EmilydelValle BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Uh, Started from the ninth grade now we here
Previously a Bobcat, now a top cat
10 apps, 50 apps, wallet's no longer fat
finally I made it, it's senior year
Lots of hard work, ain't got nothing to fear
Somebody get me a large coffee, stat
Pulling all nighters, like I'm a cave bat
Can't believe I'm leaving, after this year

But me and my friends got essays to write
No senioritis, scholarships to chase
All I see is light, future's looking bright
Soon on that yearbook will be my face
As I think of graduation tonight,
I think I'm ready for that change of pace

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