Sea of Roses | Teen Ink

Sea of Roses

May 22, 2016
By Beau_KM120115 BRONZE, Wichita, Kansas
Beau_KM120115 BRONZE, Wichita, Kansas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Content in a sea of roses, lost in
Timeless shadows of a glimmering hope
Easily, deadly, giving into sin
A world as bright as a kaleidoscope.
The scent of roses, addicting to the
Senses, appealing to my desire,
It’s as intoxicating as vodka
Spreading through me quickly as a wildfire.
In the darkness I am found with a light,
Within the depths of my sorrowful mind
I can finally keep track and have sight
Where no thought is hidden and left behind.
In the beds as soft and smooth as roses
This is what motivation and love is.

The author's comments:

This sonnet is written about my girlfriend, Rose. The metaphors and symbolism of roses and the sea are used to express her names, and the meanings behind them. I have never felt as much love or meaning as she has given and shown to me. I hope with this sonnet someone is motivated to not give up, in hopes of finding this kind of love and compassion with someone one day.

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