Sonnet | Teen Ink


May 23, 2016
By sam.craven BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
sam.craven BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am clueless, writing this is so hard.
I think and think, nothing comes to mind,
I would rather be playing with a card.
It is time to get on the writing grind.
Sonnets I don't like you, what have you done?
I could have been sleeping, but I can’t now.
I was told this was supposed to be fun,
But it is not fun, I do not know how.
I can’t write about the topics I want
Because they are to boring and to plain,
I will type it in a different font.
My sore right hand probably has a strain.
This was hard, my red lip I kept biting,
I can not believe I am done writing

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