The Disappearing Act | Teen Ink

The Disappearing Act

February 26, 2017
By Lachesis BRONZE, Panabo, Other
Lachesis BRONZE, Panabo, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There are two important days of your life. The day you are born and the day you found out why.

The sun's rays hit my white crystalline dress
This day we celebrate our happiness
We started out as strangers wondering
You say our love is better and stronger
Where are you now my love? I am waiting
Slowly, eyes tear up. Oh I remember
This pain is waking me up from this dream
Like the rampaging flood hit the small stream
Help! Its choking ; suffocating. I can't breathe
Lyrics dissapeared in the melody
Now I know our love was only a myth
Make him return to me. Please! Somebody!

For you ran away and left me baby
I am walking in this dark aisle, empty

The author's comments:

This is a heartbreaking piece. Prepare your tissues!

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