Tilted Towers | Teen Ink

Tilted Towers

May 22, 2018
By Brett.english BRONZE, Cocunut Creek, Florida
Brett.english BRONZE, Cocunut Creek, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I drop into the Tilted Towers
I look for a weapon very quickly.
I search the town and luck’ly find powers,
I kill an opponent very simply. 

I’m looking for people but can’t find them,
I find a legendary item, chug jug.
I see something that will make me fly, Jem,
found mini shields which I quickly slug.

Seven people left and nowhere to hide
no bush camping and everything is quiet.
Everyone must be currently outside,
Victory because I am a pilot.

The last person is nearby and in sight
Ayy, got a dub from the easiest fight. 

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