Harsh Reality | Teen Ink

Harsh Reality

June 12, 2018
By taylorbllake BRONZE, Bristow, Virginia
taylorbllake BRONZE, Bristow, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am not shy to reality. 

I know who she is and I know what she's done. 

I understand the way she works and the things she does. 

But she takes from me the alternative. 

The parallel to the truth. 

In her hands is the key to every locked thought in my head. 

To every "what if". 

To every "maybe". 

To every " I should have". 

She hides from me the world I spend countless nights trying to find. 

Turning away as I get closer, leaving behind just another piece of her mind 

that I will spend hours trying to rewrite.

The author's comments:

This piece is about the things in my life that I wish had not happened, or had happened in a way that did not line up with what I had in mind. It speaks on how reality is unfair sometimes and the way you can never change what has already transpired. This piece symbolizes how I understand why the things that happen, happen, but how that understanding does not make things easier to go through. You can reread a book a thousand and the ending will never change. 

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