Night Of Furies | Teen Ink

Night Of Furies

February 20, 2019
By lulu_kirkland BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
lulu_kirkland BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled “Night of Furies”, written by “Talea,” talks about the violence between Muslims and Hindus. After reading this article I felt that the author did a good job of establishing the situation and setting. She states, “Bihar, India, 1946.” She also flashed forward into the future to show the outcome of the beginning of the story. She tells her grandchildren the story of that day. She says, “I did not tell them how me, grandmother, and mother barely reached the train station that morning.” Although I can’t directly relate to her problem I do understand the effect violence can have on people’s lives. This article is written very well. It is notable that the author put hard work and time into this piece.

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