Student should get less Homework | Teen Ink

Student should get less Homework

March 6, 2019
By ripx BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
ripx BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled “Student should get less Homework” gives reasons on why students should receive less homework. The writing left me satisfied. I was happy to see that other people shared the same opinion as me. The writing brings up many problems that there is with having large amounts of homework. The author says, “Too much homework can lead to health issues in the body and mind.” This had me very surprised. The author goes on to tell that homework can cause stress, anxiety, and even depression. I believe this is a big problem because students shouldn’t experience these issues, especially not because of homework. The author also states, “Kids are doing more than the recommended amount each night.” The author proves this claim with statistics and explains that students are doing extra with for no benefit. I think it’s ridiculous that students have to do all this pointless work for no real value. The author final point is, “Doing homework all night can take away a student’s free time and sleep.” This is the argument that I can relate with the most, and I think most students would agree. All this homework gives students no free time. The only thing they have time for is homework. They can participate in any activities. Students have no time to be with their family, socialize with friends, or even relax. I believe that students should get less homework on a daily basis.

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