A Blue Sailfish | Teen Ink

A Blue Sailfish

April 26, 2019
By bellaanderson BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
bellaanderson BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I vehemently suggest that you visit the Sailfish Marina. Sailfish Marina is a boat marina in West Palm Beach, Florida. I go here every year, not only because of how tasty the food is, but because of how much there is to do. When I go to the Sailfish Marina, I get the steak, and every year my expectation is fulfilled. With the steak, comes mashed potatoes and green beans for $36. The food is flavorful, the service is fast, and after the meal there is exciting stuff to do. The servers are friendly and nice. They help you read the menu and explain their specials, and tell you their opinion of what sea food they like or other meals like spaghetti. Also, every morning boats go out to fish for fresh seafood for the restaurant.

First, you can walk down the piers and admire all the large fishing boats there are. In fact, you can book a time to go deep sea fishing if you like one of the boats you see. These boats are not owned by the restaurant but are parked at the marina. The boaters are nice and sometimes let you on their boat to look inside. We always ask “Did you catch anything today?” They always are happy and say what they caught.

Second, you can go to the Sailfish Marina gift shop and buy anything from stickers to clothes to decorations. I have bought simple tee-shirts to necklaces to a souvenir to show I was there. The service here is also awesome. The one thing that I buy from the shop every night is a bag of fish. With that fish you can go and throw it in the water and huge fish will come and eat them. You can watch this happen and it is kid friendly and entertaining as you are older as well. This restaurant provides such a family atmosphere on the ocean to a romantic dinner too. I am very judgmental myself of restaurants and I usually do things one time and am over it, but something about this Sailfish Marina keeps me coming back every time I visit Florida.

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I wrote this in composition

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