Anker Soundcore | Teen Ink

Anker Soundcore

May 10, 2019
By DirtyDan30 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
DirtyDan30 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When you see a bluetooth speaker for under $30, you are bound to be skeptical. You most likely think, ‘the product must be unreliable’, or ‘the battery life on this speaker must only be a couple of hours.’ After using the Anker Soundcore bluetooth speaker for more than two and a half years, I can say with certainty that those previous two remarks are far from true, and there are also many additional benefits.

Any product on Amazon that is cheaper and has better reviews than the competitors will always catch my eye. When I received my Soundcore, the two things I noticed out of the box were its slender design and its stunning glossy black finish (it also comes in red and blue for the color-loving people out there). Honestly, my expectations were lowered when I saw how small this product truly was, but those preconceptions were soon changed.

The pairing experience between my phone and the speaker was flawless. I have had no problems with the sound cutting out when I leave my phone over 50 feet away from the speaker—just under the maximum range advertised on their website at 66 feet. One complaint I have with the Soundcore is the blue LED light within the frame doesn’t disappear after pairing your device with it. This light can be somewhat blinding when you are using the speaker at night; it would have been nice if that light could be turned off while being able to play music.

If you are looking for a speaker with loads of bass or a full and loud sound, the Anker Soundcore won’t fulfill all of your needs. This is especially noticeable when you turn up the volume over 75%. The sound can get a little distorted and won’t be enjoyable for long. This should be expected from a speaker that is cheaper than a meal for two. As for myself, I listen to my music at about 50% volume, which fills any room at my house. At this volume, the speaker maintains a great sound and is still comfortably loud.

The website claims that the Soundcore has a 24-hour playtime, but my Soundcore lasts much longer than that. In the past two and a half years, I’ve been getting around 65 hours per charge! (Note: this number varies based on how loud the music is and how far away your phone is from the product). Regardless, getting more than 24 hours of music off of a speaker so small is exceptional.

Anker also has customer service that is strictly unbeatable. When I purchased another product of theirs, the Anker Soundbuds Sport, they came with a defect and they immediately sent me a replacement pair. They truly care about their customers, and if your Soundcore is faulty in anyway, you can be assured they will replace it as soon as possible.

In the wireless-speaker industry, we as customers are faced with rising prices as companies make trivial improvements from its previous speakers. My recommendation is to avoid the new trend. Instead, go on Amazon and buy the Anker Soundcore—it currently is listed for $28. With these remarkable features and a cheap price tag, it is almost a guarantee that the Soundcore will satisfy your listening needs so you can enjoy all the music you want for years to come.

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