Short film: Whiplash | Teen Ink

Short film: Whiplash

November 3, 2021
By omom BRONZE, Sacramento, California
omom BRONZE, Sacramento, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“if you’re not the one for me who is” is like there’s nobody but you; “you are the only one for me” is the romantic side of it and the other flip side of it is like well if you’re not the one then who is? And you’re really lonely and like all of a sudden it’s just you. - keshi 2019

Whiplash an American short film is about dreams getting destroyed and being able to overcome that obstacle, at least that’s what my understanding of the short film is. Will you go to great lengths for your dream? The students get criticized by the teacher and they are absolutely terrified of the teacher, Nieman the new student does not know what he is in for as he is a new student. Whiplash is a 2012 short film made into a movie, the short film directed by Damien Chazelle. 

A very famous actor J.K. Shimenz plays the teacher and does a horrendous job at playing a horrible teacher. The film genre is fiction, drama, musical, and short film. It’s very intense and in my opinion, I would not recommend it. Although the music in Whiplash is jazz and very nice, it’s mainly focused on perfection at least for the teacher.

I have a complaint about this short film as it is not appropriate for school grounds or not appropriate for watching with your family. Many people would want to watch this kind of film as it makes you feel very in the moment, it’s quite intense. This film has many foul language and can be seen as abusive, I find it interesting that it was made into a movie.

Overall, I see that this film is not fit for a teen audience such as us, it’s not very polite and can cause some of us trauma, even I believe that after watching the film. The short film kind of reminds me of when parents want something and kids do not obey they get screamed at.

The song they play in Whiplash is just called Whiplash as well, I have another complaint as jazz is supposed to be a “free for all jump in whenever you want to” sort of thing. But in whiplash perfection is needed it is wanted. I hate the characters in the film the teacher is aggressive and Neiman the student is very sensitive. No one was ready for the intensity of what was going to happen in the film.

Although I do have very negative things to say about the film there is one thing that came out positive. The short film won a small award the “Short Film Jury Prize”. Whiplash even got turned into a movie and won multiple awards as a movie. The film is not all that bad but it’s also not all that good. If you are willing to see abuse and aggressiveness feel free to watch it, but the short film made me uncomfortable and made me think back if I am really willing to go to such lengths for my dream to come true.

The author's comments:

This was a class assignment that I reviewed in flim studies and I wanted it to be something different like a bad review.

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