Lego Star Wars Death Star Trench Run Review | Teen Ink

Lego Star Wars Death Star Trench Run Review

December 2, 2022
By CadenViehe BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
CadenViehe BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Lego Star Wars Death Star Trench Run, set number 75329, has 665 pieces and costs $60. The set consists of no Minifigures but has a micro fighter build of Luke Skywalker’s X-wing Fighter, Darth Vader’s Tie Intercepter, and two generic Tie Intercepters. This set is part of the new series called the Diorama Collection with its counterparts being Yoda’s hut on Dagoba and the Trash Compactor Scene from A New Hope. 

The box art is quite nice and simple and is consistent with the newer 18+ sets. The price per piece here is going to be 9 cents a piece, right below the 10-cent figure that I like to see Lego price their sets at. However, it should be noted that most of the pieces in the set are quite small and even though there are printed pieces, I don’t think that price per piece is a good measure of this set’s worth. 

The instruction manual has poor cover art and that weirdly placed bar code on the front that more and more sets are starting to have that I really dislike. In the manual, there is a nice little section that has an interview with the designer and gives a little insight into the set and the movie scene. Like always, the manual was very clear and easy to follow and I didn’t find any glaring mistakes. 

The set itself has a really nice two-part design where the floor and back wall of the set come together using two technic pieces that hold in place really nicely. This makes the set really sturdy and I felt confident holding it at almost any place when I moved it around. One weak point was the connection between the fighters and the set. Lego decided to use long clear pieces to create the nice illusion that the fighters are actually flying but when I was moving the set around, the one-stud connection really didn’t hold.

 This was frustrating but personally, I don’t think this will be an issue because the set is made for display and the connection is fine when the set is at rest. With that being said, this is not a play set and I wouldn’t recommend it for younger children. So, if you’re looking for a gift this holiday season for a loved one, this set is a perfect gift for any adult Star Wars fan or anyone who enjoys putting together puzzles or solving problems.

The author's comments:

I love Legos and have been building them consistently since I was a pre-schooler.


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