Lake Country Sunsets | Teen Ink

Lake Country Sunsets

May 24, 2023
By willplatten1 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
willplatten1 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Lake Country Sunsets

There's nothing better than the feeling of extreme happiness. 

After a warm day on Pewaukee Lake spent coaching and sailing, I am just as exhausted as I was when I woke up and barely have enough time to make it. Light blue and orange illuminate the paved highway as we rush to the drive-in. I have no doors on my granite gray Jeep because it is warm enough not to freeze in the gusting breeze of wind seeping through the roof and door frames. It is tolerable in the chillier weather when the heat is on full blast. Kenny sings American Kids at full volume. It goes up to 37, but I boosted the bass equalizer before we left, so it should be loud enough to hear over the wind. Momma sits on the passenger side, the white dashed lines pass quickly. 

As we harmonize, my younger brother and sister are squished by dad in the middle of the backseat.  Somehow they say they can smell it before we even get off the highway, but I never believe them. However they are right, soon the scents of the scrumptious seasoned fries and creamy custard coming from the family owned diner fill the air and swarm the car. 

Drums beat loudly, and I scream in excitement. Turning into the restaurant the big bold letters are still lighting up the parking lot, spelling KILTIE. The E in Kiltie isn't working so it only looks like Kilti. They usually turn it off to signify closing. After a quick order before the kitchen call the day we sit and enjoy the delicious soft serve and even more flavorful toppings as dusk turns darker. Pure joy shoveling the crinkle cut fries and smooth frozen dessert down. 

On the way back, the music plays a more relaxed tune. I stare at all of the other shops we could have stopped at but didn't. Glassy structures that pass shine in the reds yellows and greens traffic lights. A vanilla concrete mixer from Culver’s, but those are usually an after school thing. Could have stopped at Kwik Trip for a SpongeBob popsicle except I only get those at midnight with my friends. And Bubba’s is a post-event snack stop. Maybe after an Arrowhead basketball or soccer game. 

Yet, I'll always go the extra mile for the Kiltie, because it's different. It highlights the importance of quality family time within the community. That was the goal ever since our family of five moved over a thousand miles away from The Rocky Mountains in Denver, Colorado. 

Before we left, we all made a promise to each other and ourselves. To spend as much time together as possible before my siblings and I leave for college. We owed it to our parents after everything they have done for us. But truly nothing made us happier than spending time with our parents. So whenever we got to go and enjoy a sunday with them on occasion. It was the best. Extreme Happiness. The Kiltie symbolizes that.

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