Depression | Teen Ink


November 30, 2013
By campbells BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
campbells BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Between two evils, I always picked the one I never tried before

The article "Depression" spoke the hard truth of what depression is really like. Many people see depression as cutting wrists or having suicidal thoughts. Although that is true, this article goes deeper than that. It shows the in-capabilities of someone who is depressed, and gives vivid detail of what it is like to be so depressed.

There are many stereotypes about depression such as being suicidal or cutting one's self. "Alexandra" Tilton confronts those stereotypes and rectifies them. She gives a day-by-day description of what it is like to be depressed. Tilton mentions how immotionless a person can be for a long time, or how in that time of your depression any trace of the person you were before is gone.

This article inspired me to look deeper to see who people really are. Not just people with depression, as in the article, but everyone. To not just assume things based on what I've heard, but to hear the facts first. There is much more to people than it seems, that is what I learned from this piece. Just because someone is depressed, that does not mean they are home cutting their wrists. I commend you, "Alexandra" Tilton, for speaking the truth of depression.

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