K2 Snowboarding | Teen Ink

K2 Snowboarding

December 16, 2013
By 4musbach SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
4musbach SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To whom this may consern,
K2 has been my brand of snowboard for the last nine years. After learning how to snowboard from my mom, I instantly fell in love. My mom bought me a ratty old board from a garage sale. As I continued to show passion for the sport, my mom purchased a new board, and tada. Someone recommended that I bought an old k2 brigade. I used this board for a number of years and gave it a good beating. Five years later, it was time for a new one.

I wanted to stick with K2 because I extremely enjoyed your product so I purchased a World Wide Weapon. I loved the board so much that when I broke it trying a front flip off of a berm, I immediately bought another. In the same season, the edge on the new board cracked off after grinding on a rail and taking a spill. I had previously contacted K2 snowboarding and was informed that there was nothing that I could do about my predicament because there is no warranty on your boards if they are broken in the park. I do not understand why this is the case because on your website the description of the terrain that the board is meant for is freestyle, aka the park. If the board isn’t made to take a beating in the park, it shouldn’t be considered a freestyle board.

I had been a loyal customer and was considering just buying a new World Wide Weapon, but my mom persuaded me not to because of the lack of empathy K2 showed in their customer’s disappointment. I finished out the season by putting quick repairs in place of the edge, but now as a new season is about to begin, my problem of needing a new board arises again. If you value your loyal lifetime customers, I would appreciate it if I could get a refund or a replacement board. I bought both boards from a local Les Moise store for 400 dollars each.

If you would like to contact me, I can be reached at at the address posted above.

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