Lo Lo's Chicken and Waffles | Teen Ink

Lo Lo's Chicken and Waffles

May 7, 2014
By Austinmendez BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
Austinmendez BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
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Lo Lo’s Chicken and Waffles
When I went to Lo Lo’s Chicken and Waffles for the first time, I was on a diet trying to get ready for basketball season. I was dragging my feet for months to go because I had heard so many wonderful reviews about this restaurant. I would always hear my friends talk about how about how amazingly delicious the food is and about the Kool-Aid. After close speculation, I decided to take the drive to Phoenix with my family on a Sunday afternoon and try the place that I had heard about forever.

As we walked into the restaurant, the atmosphere was simply out of this world. It was completely different than any kind of restaurant I have ever been in. It is practically a little house on the corner of some random street across from a junkyard. It was not your typical 4 star restaurant setting. As we walked in, we were greeted by the owner who explained the menu in detail to us. Everything in the restaurant was interesting. The names of the meals are even hilarious such as Bettys Boob and Baby Ray. That is only a small fraction of the large, 4-page menu.
All the food that was made there was really their specialty. We ordered and within ten minutes all of us had our good and were beginning to chow down. The food was incredible. I have never had such a concoction of foods in my life. Think about it: chicken with ketchup and waffles with syrup. Sounds gross right? WRONG. By far the best meal I have ever had. There was nothing that can go wrong at Lo Lo’s Chicken and Waffles if you ask me. Your drinks came in giant mason jars so you will almost never need a refill. They have exotic drinks like all different color Kool-Aid’s, sweet tea, and their specialty purple drank. Their purple drank is grape Kool-Aid that tastes absolutely amazing. It was one of the sweetest drinks I have ever had if you ask me. Literally is a mason jar filled to the top with Kool-Aid and a mountain of sugar (you do not hear me complaining). The meal that I typically get every time I go is “The Lo Lo’s” this dish consists of 3 pieces of chicken of your choosing and 2 golden brown cinnamon waffles. This is quite the meal if you ask me. I can barely finish it every time I go there. The desert is also something you just cannot resist. I am not usually a fan of cake, but their red velvet cake is truly out of this world. It is made fresh daily and tastes like the recipe has been handed down for generations.
The service and authenticity of this food is incredible. Never have I heard of chicken and waffles in the same meal. I learned that in the South it is actually quite common. Their food is second to none. Not a single restaurant in Arizona specifies in Chicken and Waffles at the same time. The service was inconceivable. I go there literally all the time and I have never once had a bad server or a bad experience at this restaurant. All the servers are genuinely caring. They are there to work and to help the customers, not just to pass the time. The workers actually take great pride in their food. Almost as if it is a tradition or something to the people of Lo Lo’s Chicken and Waffles.
Overall, this is by far my favorite restaurant in Arizona. I highly recommend this place to anyone who is trying to go out of the box a little and try something new. Do not be afraid to venture into a totally different category of food then you have ever had before. You cannot go wrong with place truly. No one can turn down a delicious golden brown cinnamon waffle, or a juicy fried chicken breast, let alone all in one dish. I will never turn down a chance to go to this restaurant.

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