Boy21 | Teen Ink


August 18, 2014
By Bryson Patao BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Bryson Patao BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The main point of this story to me is to follow your dream like Finley did and followed his basketball dream.Don’t something i wouldn’t have broken up with Erin because you could of been still going out and still be practicing basketball together. Im guessing is that the author made this book to inspire basketball players to follow their dreams and never give up. My opinion on this story is that its pretty romantic because it talks about Finley and Erin making out and kissing.If i could tell a person about this story i would tell them about the weird and awesome part of this book because they will get more interested in it.

My favorite part about this story is when they first met and Finley almost hit her with the basketball, but she had fast reflexes. I think it was my favorite part because it really tells how they became boyfriend and girlfriend in the first place. Also because when they were eating and he saw her sports bra and i thought that was romantic part of the story, also a nasty part because its a part we don’t want to hear. The middle part of the story is when they practice basketball to get ready for basketball season but they were mad because they had to split into different groups so they weren’t able to be together. But the main part of the middle part of the story is they are getting to learn more about them and teaching each other how to get better at basketball. Finley was also helping Erin to be a good team captain for her basketball team and Erin has to learn how to control and train her team good. This was a good middle part because it really fits the story and holds all the good parts of the story and kind of holds some good parts at the end.

Towards the ending its pretty sad because this is the part where they have to finally break up for the basketball season and not see each other later. One day they finally see each other, Finley tries to act like he does remember Erin, but Erin tries to get Finley’s attention by acting like she tripped and bumped to him but Finley doesn’t say anything to her when she bumps into him.

THE END!!!!!!!!

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