Milk and Honey | Teen Ink

Milk and Honey

June 22, 2018
By Felicity_Bacon BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
Felicity_Bacon BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur is all poetry based reading. This book contains her personal experiences with sexual abuse, violence within her life, and the losses in her life as well. There is no character within this because the author, Rupi Kaur, is writing about her own life and experiences. She broke this book up into four different pieces to talk about differents things in the right order and kept it all organized throughout the book.

The way she writes her poetry is unique. She doesn’t use punctuation. Doesn’t capitalize proper nouns. Each line starts with a lowercase letter that’s in the first word. She keeps her lines short before she starts a new one. She does keep her writing consistent within her titles to, she doesn’t use uppercases within in them like any other author would. Rupi Kaur’s poetry is more free verse and in her own way. She does have a series, her second book after Milk and Honey is The sun and Her Flowers.

If you like a quick read and something that you’ll be able to relate to then Rupi Kaur’s books would be the right ones for you. I feel that Milk and Honey could be read in one sitting if you are an easy concentrated reader and can get into this easy read.

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