Amulet R | Teen Ink

Amulet R

June 22, 2018
By vdsqtreu4ted BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
vdsqtreu4ted BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I read the book Amulet the Stonekeeper Curse and that was a great book. Now if you are a good reader than you should finish this book rather quickly but don't worry because if you enjoy the book there are eight other books in this series. I read the Amulet book in five days so it really is a quick read. Amulet is a graphic novel with tons of dialogue and amazing characters. Kazu makes it a great book for all ages. It easy to read and he describes it very well.  Kazu also though can and will tell parts of the book with only pictures and he does a great job with that. He shows the mother walking down the stairs and it dark and it makes the scene in the book kind of scary because you don't really know what's going on at that point of time. Kazu also leads the ending to these books with a big cliffhanger. He makes you want to continue the series. So it makes the books really interesting.

The book is about a girl named Emily whos father passed away and her mother was kidnapped by an alien like creature. They lived in her great uncle's house and he was an inventor but he took off and was never found. He created a very powerful amulet and one special person would be able to gain this power and use it for good. Lucky for Emily she was the one to find this very powerful amulet which she uses to help get her mother back. She also has her little brother named Navin and a couple of robots made by her grandfather to also help. Emily learns how to use the amulet and she has to protect herself and she has to protect her brother. They meet up with lots of problems in this story and Emily must find out how to get past all of these problems to save her mom. Emily becomes very powerful and the amulet helps guide her and Navin.

Can her and Navin get past all of these problems that get in her way and save her mom, or will she be defeated and lose her little brother and her mom? I really liked these books and I really think that people should read these books, Kazu Kibuishi is very talented writer. Read the books to find out.

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